Life Isnt Easy but It Isnt Supposed to Be

Life Isn't Easy Famous Quotes & Sayings

List of top 67 famous quotes and sayings about life isn't easy to read and share with friends on your Facebook, Twitter, blogs.

Top 67 Quotes About Life Isn't Easy

#1. In life, more than in anything else, it isn't easy to end up alive. - Author: Roman Payne

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1382550

#2. They say you can't remember pain - the fact of it, yes, but the truth of it, the physical texture of agony? Gone and forgotten. Which makes it easy to forget that pain hurts, that the wounded life isn't always worth living. - Author: John Joseph Adams

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1458530

#3. Life isn't easy. Would that every story ended happily, every crisis be averted, everything get a pretty shiny bow, but that's not the world we live in. Life is harsh. Things go wrong, People get hurt, and some even die. That's just the way it goes. - Author: Daniel Younger

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1450119

#4. Fans and friends are considered family. Being an A7X fan isn't always easy because it means you're not only gonna laugh with us, but cry with us and defend us on occasion. If you're part of the family it's for life. - Author: Zacky Vengeance

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1438477

#5. The life of a model isn't easy. But I try to keep a good head on my shoulders by staying close to my family and old friends. They're my support system. - Author: Constance Jablonski

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1412835

#6. Sometimes life isn't that easy, Benito." "And sometimes, it isn't that hard. - Author: Kim Holden

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1400554

#7. Life isn't always easy. I struggle day to day. But I choose to live life to the fullest and keep reminding myself that I am stronger than ANYTHING that stands in my way. - Author: Tanya Masse

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1399092

#8. Life isn't supposed to be easy. Generally speaking, the harder something is the more rewarding the results will be. - Author: C.C. Hunter

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1395397

#9. Turning to God shouldn't be a last resort; we should look to him for help each day. This isn't to say life will always be easy. There will be struggles, but God will give us the strength to live through them. Don't wait until you're at the end of your rope. Call on God first in every situation. - Author: Anonymous

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1382924

#10. It isn't always easy to act on what's in your head instead of what's in your heart. And it isn't always right to. The whole trick to knowing what to do is deciding when to make yourself listen to your head, and when it's okay to just follow your feelings. - Author: Steven Brust

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1462888

#11. Because you are in the middle of becoming who you will be. It isn't going to be easy. You may need help. So feel free to ask us for it. - Author: Cate Tiernan

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1381229

#12. Recovery isn't easy, at first. It takes time. It takes more work, sometimes, than you think you're willing to do. But it is worth every hard day, every tear, every terrified moment. It's worth it, because the trade-off is this: you let go of your eating disorder, and you get back your life. - Author: Marya Hornbacher

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1345896

#13. Life isn't like a Full House episode. There isn't going to be an easy out to every conflict. There is no milkman, paperboy, or evening TV. There are good moments and bad moments and not everything will tie together nicely in the end. But that's life, and I think I'm finally starting to get it. - Author: Jodi Sweetin

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1307881

#14. Life itself is a frightening image for every human being.... being strong in life isn't easy . - Author: Inuyasha

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1261187

#15. It's so easy to get caught up in this weird life. This isn't normal and I'm not singing for people that live my life. I'm singing to the life I used to have. The life I want to have again. - Author: Carrie Underwood

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1165643

#16. Change isn't easy ... changing the way you live means changing what you believe about life. That's hard ... When we make our own misery, we sometimes cling to it even when we want so bad to change because the misery is something we know. The misery is comfortable. - Author: Dean Koontz

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1119334

#17. To live a life of virtue, you have to become consistent, even when it isn't convenient, comfortable, or easy. - Author: Epictetus

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1108487

#18. That's the thing about life. A lot of time, it isn't easy at all. We just have to try and make the best of it. Do you know what I mean? - Author: Nicholas Sparks

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1657786

#19. Life isn't easy, no matter where you are. You'll make choices you think are right, and then suffer for them. - Author: Sarah J. Maas

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1827828

#20. I'm not suggesting the world is good, that life is easy, or that any of us are entitled to better. But please, isn't this the kind of thing you talk about in somber tones, in the afternoon, with some degree of hope and maybe even a handful of strategies? - Author: Richard Siken

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1826855

#21. This is my real secret to being a joyful person: I make my life easy. I spend more time being grateful for what I have instead of focusing on what isn't working. I no longer believe that people have to do things my way and that I have to be perfect. - Author: Ellen DeGeneres

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1802131

#22. This isn't Sex and the City, and life isn't a Nicholas Sparks novel. The best kind of love is one that is calming on the spirit, easy on the heart, fulfilling and completing. - Author: Hope Alcocer

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1760225

#23. Life isn't easy. Love isn't easy. Fairy tales are books we read to children. Romance novels are books that make teenagers dream of love and happily ever afters. I'm here to tell you my story. This is my diary. This is my life. This is my truth. You can't make this shit up. - Author: Brenda Novak

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1753518

#24. But when I told you I loved you, I meant it. I didn't mean that I'd love you only if it was easy, or only if it was drama-free. I think we both know life isn't like that. - Author: J. Sterling

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1712993

#25. Life isn't easy, and leadership is harder still. - Author: Walter Russell Mead

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1692636

#26. Life is about taking what you want and giving even more. Not because you think you should, because you want to. Love isn't easy because life isn't easy . You have to fight for the things you want. Sometimes you win and sometimes you wish you lost instead - Author: Rachel Robinson

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1685283

#27. Life isn't meant to be easy. It's hard to take being on the top - or on the bottom. I guess I'm something of a fatalist. You have to have a sense of history, I think, to survive some of these things ... Life is one crisis after another. - Author: Richard M. Nixon

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1097248

#28. Life isn't always easy, but it's simple. - Author: Demi Moore

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1623449

#29. But let's face it: Understanding me - I mean, really understanding me and my nutty life - isn't so easy. That's why it's so hard for me to find people I can trust. The truth is, I don't know who I can trust. So mostly I don't trust anybody. Except my mom, Jules. (Most of the time, anyway.) - Author: James Patterson

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1571665

#30. And is that what you'd wish for him, to have an easy life?"
"Isn't that what every parent wishes for?"
"No," I said. I touched my own stomach. I put my small hand over his large one. "I hope our son grows to be a good man. - Author: Ted Kosmatka

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1571284

#31. Whenever you've got a choice, do good, kiddo. It isn't always fun or easy, but in the long run it makes your life better. - Author: Jim Butcher

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1537150

#32. I live a normal life, I take care of our baby, I cook, and I look forward to the weekend so I can spend some time with my husband. It's the kind of change we all secretly dream of, but which isn't always easy to deal with. - Author: Angela Lindvall

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1522487

#33. It isn't easy to be frank with yourself. But, if you wish to find your particular success in life, it is the most rewarding reaction of them all. - Author: Brownie Wise

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1501546

#34. It isn't an easy business (...) Love, he said finally. I was referring to love, Rebecca. - Author: Aria Beth Sloss

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #1478213

#35. Woody Allen once said that 90 percent of life is about showing up. Ninety percent of healing people in psychological pain is shutting up - at least long enough to let them bleed the truth. That sounds easy, but it isn't. (68) - Author: Keith Ablow

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #192466

#36. It is not easy to watch the world change around you. To see an entire way of life change and change and change again. It isn't easy to watch friends grown old and die, nor is it easy to be constantly moving on from place to place before people begin to wonder why you never age. - Author: Michael Scott

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #437982

#37. Saying no isn't easy, but it's a required skill if you wish to have any degree of focus in your life. If you say yes too often, you'll likely fall into the common trap of saying yes to the good while simultaneously saying no to the best. - Author: Steve Pavlina

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #436200

#38. It's not easy. It's never easy. Love isn't easy. But you carry the memory of those happy times with you and those moments remind you of the beauty of life. - Author: T.K. Leigh

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #389269

#39. Life isn't supposed to be easy. Ever. But with the hardest challenges go the greatest rewards. And every incredible moment of my life came only after I did something that made my gut clench with fear. - Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #271385

#40. Life isn't easy, life isn't fair, when you get your chance, make sure you take it. - Author: Tyron Woodley

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #267564

#41. I believe that You Reap What You Sow. I believe that we don't meet people by accident; everything happens for a reason. I believe that standing for what you believe in isn't an easy thing but it's the right thing to do; be brave to stand for what you believe in even if you stand alone. - Author: Roy Bennett

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #242631

#42. Being true to our beliefs - even when doing so isn't popular, easy, or fun - keeps us safely on the path that leads to eternal life with our Heavenly Father. - Author: Ann M. Dibb

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #230137

#43. Transformation Isn't easy when most of the people in your life think you're already perfect, and want you to stay just how they see you. Try to begin a new phase, you'd better expect push-back. Try to create a whole new you, your friend list will shrink considerably. - Author: Ellen Hopkins

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #199360

#44. It is easy to forget, not that we ever should, that everything in this world is an accident, including the origin of life itself, plus the accumulation of riches. We should show more respect for nature, not less. An accident isn't necessarily ever over.

"Scratching The Head - Author: Diane Williams

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #498857

#45. The path God chooses for each of us to follow isn't always an easy one, but we all have to decide whether or not we're willing to trust in His wisdom and embrace His will - Author: Delia Parr

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #183756

#46. There are no refunds and no exchanges with love. It comes with flaws and imperfections. It's raw, unfiltered, and sometimes it isn't easy. But I've found the best things in this life are the ones I've had to work hardest for. - Author: Helena Hunting

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #147687

#47. I like him a lot.... I think I might love him. And it obviously isn't everything, but being the way I am has been a huge part of my life. It's easy to act like my past never happened, but it feels like I've put up this wall around my heart. - Author: Meredith Russo

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #127021

#48. Love isn't easy. It isn't perfect like in stories or movies--but it's real. When we feel it, it reminds us we are alive, and when we truly feel it--it hurts like hell--but it reminds us why we live... For the hope of love. - Author: N.A. Koziol

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #121945

#49. Life, is easy. And if yours isn't, quit whining. Oh, wait. unless you're just a head amd then, you do have it pretty rough. I don't know how you roll out of bed every morning. - Author: Christopher Titus

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #88741

#50. Life isn't always about how easy we can make it, but about the choices we make to ease the life. - Author: Stephanie Nash

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #71480

#51. Writing a book isn't an easy process nor is it always enjoyable, but it is one of life's most satisfying achievements. - Author: Guy Kawasaki

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #37266

#52. Whether your 28 or 48 life isn't easy we all go through it no matter what age we are. - Author: Shellie Palmer

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #11710

#53. Maybe learning how to be out in the big world isn't the epic journey everyone thinks it is. Maybe that's actually the easy part. The hard part is what's right in front of you. The hard part is learning how to hold the title to your very existence, to own not only property, but also your life. - Author: Meghan Daum

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #515199

#54. What i took away from witnessing the broken climbers in Moshi was this: *Everything is easy until it isn't.* - Author: Josh Gates

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #630528

#55. happiness isn't about the events going on in your life; it's about how you handle them. It's about falling down and standing up straighter than you did before. It's about realizing that nothing comes easy. - Author: Jodie Sweetin

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #652106

#56. If I've learned anything in my seventeen years, it's that life isn't easy all the time. Parents get divorced, guinea pigs explode under your watch, and you can't get up the guts to talk to a girl you have a crush on. - Author: Robin Palmer

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #667675

#57. It isn't always easy to live the life you were meant to, but the lessons learned and the rewards are immeasurable. - Author: Amilya Antonetti

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #690985

#58. It may not be easy, life isn't easy , but dreams keep you alive. - Author: John Muir

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #698265

#59. Despising anything that was easy to achieve because if no sacrifice was involved, it obviously isn't worth having. - Author: Paulo Coelho

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #719148

#60. There is nothing wrong with you ... Life isn't supposed to be easy ... It is designed to be challenging so that you will grow into a more conscious, loving human being. - Author: Barbara De Angelis

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #791883

#61. Living on steam isn't easy. - Author: Jessica Fortunato

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #795975

#62. It isn't easy when life tears away the one person in a million you thought you could always trust. - Author: Benjamin R. Smith

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #870962

#63. Taking the easy way isn't right. You need to do things properly in life to achieve the best results. People who cut corners are only fooling themselves. - Author: Sinead Moriarty

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #874718

#64. Life isn't easy but if you don't try to improve it then it'll just get worse and worse till your no longer living. - Author: Joe

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #918130

#65. That's the thing about life. A lot of the time, it isn't easy at all. We just have to try to make the best of it. - Author: Nicholas Sparks

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #927768

#66. Writing isn't easy because you have to relieve the most painful moments of your life, over and over again, and then you have to write them down, hoping that they'll matter to someone else other than yourself. - Author: Cristian Mihai

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #976689

#67. Self-pity is a weakness. I don't blame them or anybody for not having a normal life. Life isn't easy for anyone. - Author: Greg Aunapu

Quotes About Life Isn't Easy #977019


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