Catechism Made Easy

Catechism of the Catholic Church, Simplified

Table of Contents

Full Table of Contents


Part One: The Profession of Faith (26-1065)

Man's Capacity for God (26-49)

God Comes to Man (50-141)

  • Christ Jesus - Fullness of All Revelation
  • Interpretation of the Faith Heritage
  • The Holy Spirit - Interpreter of Scripture
  • The Canon of Scripture

Man's Response to God (142-184)

  • Characteristics of Faith
  • We Believe

The Creeds (185-197)

  • The Apostles Creed
  • The Nicene Creed

God the Father Almighty (198-278)

  • The Living God
  • "He Who Is"
  • Revealed as Trinity
  • Teaching of the Faith
  • The Trinitarian Missions
  • Almighty

Creation of Heaven and Earth (279-354)

  • Catechesis on Creation
  • The Work of the Trinity
  • The Mystery of Creation
  • Divine Providence
  • The Visible World

Man in God's Image (355-421)

  • Body and Soul - Truly One
  • Male and Female
  • Sin and Grace
  • Original Sin

Jesus Christ, His Only Son Born of Mary (422-483)

  • His Only Son - Our Lord
  • Only Son of God
  • True God and True Man
  • Son of God - Yet Man

Conceived by the Holy Spirit (484-570)

  • Mary's Prerogatives
  • God's Plan for Mary
  • Mysteries of Christ's Life
  • Jesus' Infancy and Hidden Life
  • Jesus' Public Life
  • Forming the Apostles

Suffered, Crucified, Died and Buried (571-630)

  • Jesus, the Law, and the Temple
  • The Claims of Jesus
  • The Trial
  • For Our Sins
  • A True Death

Descended into Hell and Rose on the Third Day (631-682)

  • Historical and Transcendent
  • The Meaning and Saving Significance
  • Coming in Glory

The Holy Spirit (683-747)

  • Believing in the Spirit
  • Name, Titles and Symbols
  • The Time of the Promises
  • The Time of Fulfillment
  • The Final Days

The Catholic Church (748-810)

  • God's Plan for the Church
  • Origin - Foundation - Mission
  • Mystery of the Church
  • The People of God
  • The Body of Christ

The Church is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic (811-870)

  • The Church is One
  • The Church is Holy
  • The Church is Catholic
  • The Church on Mission
  • The Church is Apostolic

Christ's Faithful and the Communion of Saints (871-987)

  • The Church's Hierarchy
  • Teaching - Sanctifying - Governing
  • The Laity
  • Consecrated Life
  • The Communion of Saints
  • Mother of the Church
  • Forgiveness of Sins

Resurrection of the Body and Life Everlasting (988-1065)

  • How This Happens
  • Dying with Christ
  • Particular Judgment
  • Purgatory and Hell
  • Final Judgment

Part Two: The Celebration of the Christian Mystery (1066-1690)

Liturgy and Sacraments (1066-1212)

  • Why the Liturgy
  • The Father
  • Christ
  • The Spirit
  • The Sacraments
  • Sacraments of Faith and Salvation
  • Celebrating Liturgy
  • Unity and Diversity
  • Grouping the Sacraments

Baptism (1213-1284)

  • History of Salvation
  • Necessity of Baptism
  • The Graces of Baptism

Confirmation (1285-1321)

  • In the History of Salvation
  • The Signs and Rite
  • Who Can Receive

The Eucharist (1322-1419)

  • Source and Summit of Church Life
  • The History of Salvation
  • Liturgical Celebration
  • Thanksgiving-Memorial-Presence
  • The Presence of Christ
  • The Paschal Banquet
  • The Fruits
  • Christian Unity

Penance and Reconciliation (1420-1498)

  • Conversion and Penance
  • The Sacrament
  • Acts of the Penitent
  • Minister of the Sacrament
  • Effects
  • Indulgences
  • Celebration of the Sacrament

Anointing of the Sick (1499-1532)

  • Basis for the Sacrament
  • Who Receives and Who Administers
  • Celebration and Effects

Holy Orders (1533-1600)

  • Holy Orders in Economy of Salvation
  • Three Degrees of Order
  • Celebrating the Sacrament
  • The Effects

Matrimony (1601-1666)

  • God's Plan
  • Marriage in the Scriptures
  • Celebrating the Sacrament
  • Effects of Marriage Bond
  • Conjugal Love
  • The Domestic Church

Sacramentals and Christian Funerals (1667-1690)

  • Characteristics of Sacramentals
  • Christian Funerals

Part Three: Life in Christ (1691-2550)

Dignity in Christ (1691-1748)

  • The Beatitudes
  • Man's Freedom

Morality (1749-1876)

  • Sources of Morality
  • Morality of the Passions
  • Moral Conscience
  • The Virtues
  • Faith-Hope-Charity
  • Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit
  • Sin and Mercy
  • Mortal and Venial
  • Proliferation of Sins

The Human Community (1877-1948))

  • The Person and Society
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Social Justice

Law, Grace and the Church (1949-2051)

  • The Moral Law
  • The Old and New Law
  • Justification
  • Grace
  • Merit
  • Christian Holiness
  • The Church - Mother and Teacher

The Ten Commandments (2052-2082)

  • Two Texts
  • In Sacred Scripture
  • In Church Tradition
  • Natural Law

The First Commandment (2083-2141)

  • Worship the Lord, Your God
  • Faith-Hope-Charity
  • Serving God Alone
  • Social Duty and Religious Freedom
  • No Other Gods
  • Atheism and Agnosticism

The Second Commandment (2142-2167)

  • Holy is His Name
  • The Christian Name

The Third Commandment (2168-2195)

  • The Lord'S Day
  • Grace and Rest

The Fourth Commandment (2196-2257)

  • The Family in God'S Plan
  • Duties of Family Members
  • Authorities in Civil Society
  • Armed Resistance
  • The Church'S Vision

The Fifth Commandment (2258-2330)

  • Respecting Human Life
  • Other Issues
  • Abortion
  • Respect for Others and Self
  • Science
  • Safeguarding Peace

The Sixth Commandment (2331-2400)

  • Called to Chastity
  • Homosexuality
  • Marital Love
  • The Gift of a Child
  • Sins Against Marriage

The Seventh Commandment (2401-2463)

  • Meant for All - Yet Private Ownership
  • Respecting Persons and Their Goods
  • The Church's Social Doctrine
  • Economy and Social Justice
  • Solidarity Among Nations
  • The Poor

The Eighth Commandment (2464-2513)

  • Living in the Truth
  • Sins Against the Truth
  • Means of Social Communications

The Ninth Commandment (2514-2533)

  • Purifying the Heart

The Tenth Commandment (2534-2557)

  • Covetous Desires
  • Desires of the Holy Spirit

Part Four: Christian Prayer (2558-2865)

Prayer in the Christian Life (2558-2649)

  • The Old Testament
  • The Prayer of Jesus
  • The Teaching of Jesus
  • The Prayer of Mary
  • Prayer in the Age of the Church
  • Petition and Intercession
  • Thanksgiving and Praise

The Tradition of Prayer (2650-2696)

  • The Wellsprings of Prayer
  • The Way of Prayer
  • Prayer with Mary
  • Guides for Prayer

The Life of Prayer (2697-2758)

  • Expressions of Prayer
  • The Battle of Prayer
  • Why Prayer is Not Heard

The Lord's Prayer - "Our Father" (2759-2802)

  • A Summary of the Gospels
  • The Prayer of the Church
  • Our Father Who Art in Heaven

The Seven Petitions (2803-2865)

  • Hallowed Be Thy Name
  • Thy Kingdom Come
  • Thy Will Be Done
  • Our Daily Bread
  • Forgive Us Our Trespasses
  • Lead Us Not into Temptation
  • Deliver Us from Evil

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